A Letter From our Chair
Dear Democratic Voter,
It is a fact. Our State-wide candidates – for Governor, Lt Governor and US Senate – need Haverford Democrats to turn out in LARGE numbers to help counteract that Big Red Middle of our state.
All eyes will be on Pennsylvania as the 2022 Midterm looms. We need your help to preserve our democracy.
Here in Haverford, we know from experience that one huge key to driving outstanding Democratic turn-out on election day is to spend money on get-out-the-vote (“GOTV”) efforts. All the Democratic candidates benefit from our efforts.
That’s why we’re asking you to make a financial contribution to the Haverford Township Democratic Committee. Printed literature, dropped or mailed, is still the single best method to Get Out the Vote. Strong messaging with high-quality literature is critical – and expensive. Democrats are now 51% of township voters; Independents comprise another 13%. We are rich in voters, but reaching out to them costs money. Not a ton of money. Lots of small donations do the job.
In November 2020, Haverford’s election day turnout was 88.2%. One of the highest in Delco. It resulted in Biden/Harris and Congresswoman Mary Gay Scanlon winning in ALL 9 wards in the Township with over 64% of the total votes. Midterm elections are different. The energy is less and it is harder to get the word out. In the 2018 Midterm, our turnout was much lower. If Pennsylvania is going to elect a Democratic Governor, Lt. Governor and US Senator & US Congresswoman – we need to energize all the Dems and get them out to vote in 2022.
Otherwise our state, with a likely Republican-controlled legislature, will see the horror show of anti-democratic proposals we have already seen in other states. We can’t lose the Governor’s veto – the only thing that has protected us for the last 8 years.
We hope you will consider a donation of whatever amount is comfortable for you to help get our message out. We understand not everyone is in a position to donate. If you are able, you can mail a check payable to “Haverford Township Democratic Committee” (address below) or donate on our website at https://haverforddemocrats.com/donate-now .
If you would like to help distribute literature in your neighborhood, please send an email to gotv@haverforddemocrats.com .
Thank you for whatever support you can offer.
Rachel Amdur
Chair, Haverford Township Democratic Committee
Paid for by Haverford Township Democratic Committee
PO Box 740, Havertown PA 19083