The Haverford Township Public Meeting Initiative

The Public Meeting Initiative (PMI) is an effort to mobilize left-leaning folks to attend and participate in local governmental meetings in Haverford Township.
Democrats and progressives are a majority in Haverford Township, but a vocal minority of extremist far-right Republicans are showing up at public meetings of the Board of Commissioners and School Board, attempting to spread misinformation, dominate the discussion, obstruct progressive policies, and in some cases intimidate our public officials.

Why Get Involved With PMI?

To protect these public spaces and institutions from attacks by those who have no goal other than to sow confusion and chaos, we must commit to being present at meetings and to speaking out during public comment sessions.

Our physical presence changes the tenor in the room, empowers elected Dems to pursue shared policy goals, creates space to defend Democratic values, and shows elected Dems that we have their backs.

Our thoughtful and informed public comments can help defuse some of the nonsense and noise introduced by the fringe right and provide a model of constructive civic engagement.

Our fellow Haverford residents who are streaming the meeting at home or watching it later on YouTube benefit from seeing that Democrats are organized, informed, and present.

How To Get Involved with PMI?

PMI is a coordinated effort co-led by the Haverford Township Democratic Committee, H-CAN, and other local activists.

We have created a Public Meetings Initiative (PMI) Google Group that will serve as our online hub for organizing and communication. It includes a shared sign-up calendar, past meeting reports, resources, and a discussion space.

This is a closed group, so you will need to sign up and answer a few questions to gain access to the group.

Thank You!
Liz |
Christa |